The Features and Benefits of MRI Systems
Seeking knowledge beyond the unknown was always the force behind the world’s biggest discoveries. Medical inventions are no exception, especially when talking about crucial and extraordinary inventions such as MRI scanning.
The benefits of MRI scanning convenes beyond the need for a single diagnosis or finding the problem when it occurs, as you can use the features and benefits of MRI in treatment and prevention.
In 1884, a young man traveled to New York holding a letter written by the great inventor Charles Batchelor. Batchelor wrote to his business partner and friend, the man himself Thomas Edison. “I know two great men, one is you and the other one is this young man.” That young man was Nikola Tesla.
Two years prior to that, from his home in Budapest, Tesla discovered the rotation of the magnetic field. Tesla went on a mission, a journey to explore and discover, seeking the dynamics behind this breakthrough. His discovery laid the foundation that led to the phenomena of Magnetic resonance discovery by Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell. It set the pace for Raymond Damadians MRI patents and inventions, it was the start of many great things.
Because the world of MRI technology is very special, we at LBN Medical take it very seriously. We receive an abundance of inquiries regarding MRI systems. Each of which represents different needs and demands. We seek to understand in-depth your demands and what you are looking for. In fact, the more we know about your needs the faster and easier we can advise and assist you.
MRI systems are not all equal across the spectrum. You might base your initial request on a recommendation of a friend, specialist, or maybe a Google search.
However, is that enough to make a judgment call on such a big project? Does it really help you find exactly what you are looking for?
Simply, the answer is no.
Understanding what you will get compared to the money you invest and what will be the return on your investment is a very important aspect. More importantly, understanding the features and benefits of MRI systems – What can they offer and how they differentiate from one another.
So, let us take you through this quick insight. We hope it will help you establish a better idea of what is available in the world of MRI and give you a thorough knowledge of some of the features and benefits of MRI.
Benefits of MRI, Features, and Advantages
Let us walk you through the features and benefits of MRI scanners.
Type of scan and applications
Features such as full body scanning exists in brand new MRI systems at all major manufacturers. However, in the second-hand market, you can find this feature mostly in Siemens and Toshiba systems.
Make a checklist, weigh the pros and cons of all the applications you are looking for and see which fits better with what you need.

Large Bores
Larger bores give you more freedom in the scanning room and it provides you with high Field of View (FOV).
This is available in Siemens and Toshiba systems – with 71cm Vantage Titan 1.5T, Toshiba boasts the largest bore available in the market for used MRIs.
Helium Zero Boil-Off
Zero boil-off helium-based systems are a great invention, they reduce your need to refill helium into your system to every 5 to 10 years.
Helium zero boil-off is not always your best bet, even though in concept it sounds very good. The cost of such systems is considerably high compared to how much you pay for helium. It will take many years to close that deficit.
However, when this is a priority for you, then this is what you should know:
GE is leading the pack when it comes to this feature as they have been providing zero boil-off systems since 2002. Siemens has a lot to offer as well while Toshiba and Philips lagged behind as they have been focusing more on gradient and image quality. Therefore, it is harder to find their zero boil-off MRIs on the secondary market. And in the end, it all depends on what is the best for your budget and needs.
Image Quality
The gradient strength and capability reflect directly on the Image quality. Toshiba and Philips have the best to offer in the second-hand market, with a good focus on image quality in cardiac applications.
The comfort features in newly manufactured systems are not to be compromised.
In the secondhand market, Toshiba has some interesting features and offerings. The 71cm large bore and the ultra-short magnet allow the majority of the tests to be performed with feet first. The gantry design lowers the patient’s anxiety. And they went further than that with their Pianissimo hardware solution that reduces acoustic noise in each scan.
Non-Contrast Scanning
If you are buying a new system, it is likely to have a non-contrast sequence in different models and brands.
What about the pre-owned medical equipment market and used systems? Non-contrast angiography exams are well established in Siemens as well as in Toshiba MRIs.
Sum Up
What is the perfect answer to all your needs?
We start by defining and understanding exactly what you are looking for, to provide the solution that meets your ultimate requirements.
It is important to understand your core needs and then match them with the best compatible and affordable solution.
Our in-house experts are longing to answer your questions. We will help you build confidence in your choice to define how your MR department will look and how much it will cost.
What is next?
If you want more, you can sign up for our brand new mail crash course on MRIs. This will walk you through all the main factors to consider when purchasing an MRI scanner.
By signing up you will also get all the material as an e-book. And it will only cost you your e-mail address.